
Vercel Source Plugin

Latest: v1.2.1

The CloudQuery Vercel plugin pulls configuration out of Vercel resources and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination (e.g. PostgreSQL).


In order to fetch information from Vercel, cloudquery needs to be authenticated. An access token is required for authentication. You can create a new access token in Vercel's Account Tokens Page (opens in a new tab).

Incremental Syncing

The Vercel plugin supports incremental syncing. This means that only new data will be fetched from Vercel and loaded into your destination for supported tables (support depending on API endpoint). This is done by keeping track of the last paginator for each table and only fetching data that has been updated since then. To enable this, backend option must be set in the spec (as shown in the example). This is documented in the Managing Incremental Tables section.

Query Examples

Detect domain registrations that will expire soon

select name, expires_at, date_trunc('day', expires_at - current_timestamp) as days_left from vercel_domains where (expires_at - interval '90 day') < current_timestamp order by 1;

Get all name servers in Vercel domains

select name, intended_nameservers, custom_nameservers, nameservers from vercel_domains order by 1;

Get all Vercel team members

select AS team, u.username,, u.role from vercel_teams t join vercel_team_members u on order by 1, 2;

Get all Vercel projects

select name from vercel_projects order by 1;

Get Vercel deployment statistics

select state, count(1) from vercel_deployments group by 1 order by 2 desc;